Compare Two Strings in C To compare two strings in C programming, you have to ask to the user to enter the two string and start comparing using the function strcmp. If it will return 0, then both the string will be equal if it will not return 0, then both the string will not be equal to each other. C Programming Code to Compare Two Strings Following C program ask the user to enter the two string to check whether the two strings are equal or not using strcmp function of string.h library. Here, strcmp function takes two argument like strcmp(str1, str2) to compare the two string to check whether it is equal or not.


Compare Two Strings Online

Write a C++ Program to Compare Two Strings without using strcmp. Here's simple C++ Program to Compare Two Strings without using library function in C++ Prog. C Program to Compare Two Strings Without Using Library Function. Java; Table of Content. C Program to Find Length of String Without using Library Function.

Compare Two Strings In Java

If the two strings are equal then it will return 0 and if the two strings are not equal then it will return 1. So 0 for equal and 1 for not equal.


Java Program Compare Two Strings

Write a c program to compare two strings using strcmp function. In this tutorial, we are going to write a c code which take two strings as an input and compare it with inbuilt strcmp function. The strcmp function compares two strings lexicographically. I) When both the strings are equal, then it returns zero. Ii) When first string is lexicographically greater than second string, it returns positive value. Iii) When first string is lexicographically lesser than second string, it returns negative value.