Mini Tyrael Code Hack
To learn more about obtaining this code. 'Mini Tyrael' is the in-game. You could purchase two Spectral Tigers for the cost of one Tyrael's Hilt and still have.
Hots Tyrael
Best Answer: Okay. Lets put it this way. Where does it come from and how hard is it to get? Tyrael's Hilt comes from the Paris Worldwide Invitation (WWI) 2008 goody bag. Rarity: One per visitor to WWI 2008 Quantity: Speculated to be a print run of 8,000. How much would I expect to pay for one off eBay or similar?
According to (most information sourced from there), the lowest Buy It Now price starts around $400 USD upwards to $800 USD. The price should remain steady and higher than the BlizzCon murloc items as it has the extra appeal the Diablo genre. Nobody is going to give you theirs, especially not for -10- gold. Tell us some more. Upload in Progress.
Tyrael S Hilt Code
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Mini Tyrael Code
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You can only upload a photo or a video. Video should be smaller than 600mb/5 minutes. Photo should be smaller than 5mb.