Powerpoint S For 2010

Best Rated Suv's For 2010

Description PowerPoint is one of the best and most popular tools today for creating great presentations. Whether you are an IT Pro or just casual Office PowerPoint user, this course, Using Office PowerPoint 2016, will teach you the latest additions and features of PowerPoint 2016. First, you will learn how to set up your PowerPoint presentation. Next, you'll learn all about features and functions you can integrate into the presentation for a rich and dynamic experience. Finally, you'll learn about the different ways to present, publish, and share a finished PowerPoint presentation. By the end of this course, you'll be able to use PowerPoint like a pro and give fantastic presentations every time.


A chart is a tool you can use to communicate your data graphically. Displaying charts in PowerPoint allows your audience to see the meaning behind the numbers, and they make showing comparisons and trends a lot easier. In this lesson, you will learn how to insert charts and modify them so that they communicate information effectively. In many ways, charts are an ideal way to present information in PowerPoint 2010. They give you an illustration of your data.

A chart can help you show your audience what your data means and why it's important. Plus, they can add visual interest to slide shows that are otherwise filled with text. Watch the video to learn about the basics of working with charts. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit our site at to view the entire tutorial.

It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

Powerpoint S For 2010

What's new in PowerPoint 2016 for Windows. As an Office 365 subscriber, you regularly get new and improved Office 2016 features. Take a look below to see what's.