Construct2 is great because it is a game development tool that requires no coding experience or knowledge. The work flow is easy once you know how to use it. Hey, After making my first HTML5 game 'Vertigo. Of some sort I'd think most popular frameworks support. Coding and Game Design; 2D; Which engine to pick.

  1. Html5 Game Code

HTML5 is popular language amongst web designers because it is being supported by the most of the modern browsers like Firefox 6, Google Chrome, IE9 etc. HTML5 provides numerous new features and capabilities that were things of fantasy with previous versions of HTML. Web pages will now be more semantic with the use of structure specific tags.

Visual elements like rounded corners are now built in, and so is the ability to create drag and drop interactivity. In this article I have generated a list of best HTML5 frameworks that will simplify your development process and speed up your coding. Following HTML5 frameworks are best in my concern, If you are aware of any other useful HTML5 framework, please do let us know by posting comments. We would love to hear from you. I hope you will find this list handy and useful for your development needs.

If you like the article you might be interested in other article on and 1. Iio Engine iio Engine is an open source framework for creating HTML5 applications with JavaScript and canvas. The framework is lightweight (45kb) and packed with a debugging system+ cross-platform deployment engine. It doesn’t require any JS frameworks and can work side-by-side with Box2D. Zoey It is a HTML5-CSS3-powered framework for creating mobile apps, built on top of Zepto.js and weights only 6kb (gzipped).

Zoey has the UI components like navigation, lists, buttons, control groups, forms and grids. The framework is compatible with iOS + Android and comes with an app skeleton that covers all the features. Lime JS It is a HTML5 game framework for building games that’ll feel native and work fast in modern touchscreens and desktop browsers. LimeJS is created with Closure Library built by Google and comes with functions/classes to control the timeline, events, shapes and animations. Also, the framework has full support of sprite sheets (you can collect all images inside a single file).

Jo Jo is an open source mobile application framework that is based on HTML5. It enables you to create for multiple platforms like webOS, iOS, Android, Symbian, Safari, Chrome and Dashboard Widgets. The framework is small in size, 8kb, without any dependencies and compatible with many other JS frameworks. Jo is also compatible with PhoneGap and makes possible to create native apps besides web apps. Lungo.js Lungo.jS is first mobile framework that is includes features of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Lungo.js helps developers to create iOS, Android, Blackberry and WebOS platform based applications.

This framework is designed to take advantage of the features of current mobile devices and it captures events like swipe, tap double tap. It doesn’t use images, everything is available in vector, and you can directly distribute your apps to “Mobile Stores” or in websites. 52 Framework 52 Framework is most popular HTML5-CSS3 based frame work among designers and developers. The support for all modern browsers with IE6 makes this framework most distinctive and useful framework in its category. Junior Junior is a HTML5 front-end framework for creating mobile apps that look and behave like native.

It uses CSS3 transitions for a slick performance, supports swipable carousels and includes various UI components (from Ratchet). The framework uses Zepto (which is nice for jQuery fans as it has a jQuery-like syntax) and has integration with backbone.js views + routers.

Sencha Touch Sencha Touch, a high-performance HTML5 mobile application framework, is the cornerstone of the Sencha HTML5 platform. Built for enabling world-class user experiences, Sencha Touch is the only framework that enables developers to build powerful apps that work on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and more. Gridless Gridless is an optionated HTML5 CSS3 boilerplate for making mobile first responsive, cross-browser websites with beautiful typography.

It works on DBY (don’t bore yourself) approach and allows developers to use CSS normalization, beautiful typography, a well organized folder structure, IE bug fixes and other nice tricks for their websites. Cartagen Cartagen lets you make beautiful, customized maps with a simple stylesheet. Maps are styled with Geographic Style Sheets (GSS), GSS is a scripting language as well making Cartagen an idea framework for loan modification mapping dynamic data. Cartagen is vector mapping, client side HTML 5 framework for rendering maps in native HTML5 applications. Baker Baker is a HTML5 eBook framework to publish interactive books and magazines on iPad and iPhone using simply open web standards. In order to use the Baker, developer has to design HTML5 pages with a fixed width of 768 px. Joshfire Joshfire is an open source multi device development frameworks which assists developers to develop web applications that can run on multiple devices.

It uses standards like HTML5 and JavaScript and allows developers to quickly integrate native and dedicated web apps for browsers, Node.JS, desktops, smart phones, smart TVs and connected objects. Sprout Core Sprout core is an open source HTML5 Framework used to rapidly build up innovative web applications. With sprout care developers can build rich, interactive applications with less code. ReposiveAeon ResponsiveAeon is a HTML5/CSS3-powered framework for creating responsive layouts very quickly. It has a grid system that is based on 12 columns with 1104px width in total and offers a very easy to understand usage with only 3 basic classes. Foundation Foundation 3 is built on ZURB’s 14 years of experience at building sites and apps for the Web. It is built with Sass, a powerful CSS preprocessor, which allows us to much more quickly develop Foundation itself, as well as sites built with it.

You can use the Sass or straight CSS version of Foundation. G5 Framework G5 is lightweight frontend Framework which only includes those features which actually require to build up beautiful websites. It was started as personal project; G5 helps to speed up work flow by reusing the similar and best coding techniques. As G5 states that it includes only those features which are necessary for web development it still holds a bunch of features such as Base CSS, Php active class, smooth scroll to top, base Seo, Sticky Footer, Clean organization etc.

Hey, After making my first HTML5 game 'Vertigo' -I got a pretty good understanding of how games are made. I did not use any engine for this and the code base is pretty small. I want to make more games and I think it might make sense to use an engine for future games.

I do have some limitations and requirements that I'll list below-. Needs to be free or have a free trial (unlike ImpactJS). I want an engine and not a Game Maker like Construct. Should be able to deploy to mobile using PhoneGap. Should be able to deploy to desktop using Node Webkit. Should be in active development (it becomes really hard otherwise). Should have basic sprite/layer/screen/collision support I know the list is too specific, but is there an engine that satisfies all this and I can use?

Convert file cabinet to hanging folders. For the last couple of days, I was working a lot with GM:S instead of Monkey. Wanted to see how fast the development is compared to my favorite toolset (Monkey + fantomEngine + plus various helper tools) is.

Actually, I can get things done in Monkey faster. I still find myself coding a lot in GM:S. What is nice in GM:S is the visual room editor but I could use Tiled for this. I am still unsure but there is a tendency to stay with Monkey. There I can easily target Flash (still not dead) with the same code base and of course, all the other platforms too. For the last couple of days, I was working a lot with GM:S instead of Monkey. Wanted to see how fast the development is compared to my favorite toolset (Monkey + fantomEngine + plus various helper tools) is.


Actually, I can get things done in Monkey faster. I still find myself coding a lot in GM:S. What is nice in GM:S is the visual room editor but I could use Tiled for this.

I am still unsure but there is a tendency to stay with Monkey. There I can easily target Flash (still not dead) with the same code base and of course, all the other platforms too. HTML5 is rising fast but yes, Flash isn't dead. If you can great very good games Flash can pay more money. If you think GM:S works for you, great. My new game has already lost 1500$ in sales.

Thanks to wonderful GMS. Each update fixes one thing and breaks 5 more things. There has been bugs which has been posted for months and still not fixed.

One of their ways to fix a buggy function was to completely remove that function. Also i had bought their master edition and my license doesnt even work now.

I had emailed support a week ago and still no reply. You bought there master edition and still no reply?

How long it have been? With price tag of $700 it is in price range of professional tool which GET professional support. As I said on one of my old post, there is no shortcut. Good programmers need to make there own tools and learn to use them well.

Html5 Game Code

Depending upon a 3rd party high level proprietary tool for production is simply not best idea if company is as arrogant and rude as YoYo. I learn a decent game framework like phaser and then make a easy to use high level language.

It isn't difficult at all. You can traget more and more platforms as output as you learn them. Like if you want to port your x number of games to flash you don't have to rewrite them all or have to depend upon YoYo. It have a longer learning curve but a way to survive for longer and earn more than what you can otherwise. Being a GM:S user i must admit the experience is very good but as previous post's had pointed out, Some things do cause more problems.

But there is always the community and the users are very helpful. If you cannot fix a bug or glitch etc then you may as well try a different route and plan it out again. Otherwise besides that GMS is actually a very good Game Maker. Stable, fast and effective with added efficiency for creating games. It's got many advantages so check it out if you will. The standard addition is now free for a limited time (i know its an HTML5 forum but this may help) Just thought i may as well as my 2 cents to this old topic in case any other users have wondered and searched for the same thing. I am not any new in web development itself but newbie in web game development and I was wondering which of the engines or frameworks I should use.

I kinda like Phaser but it might be overkill in this case. I understand that its more about which one is the best for particular game or dev. So here is the situation. I plan mostly simple 2D top view (or isometric) tile rpg (like) multiplayer game with 'realistic' world logic (collecting, trading, socializing with other players,.) and several ways how to make money, keep character healthy and so on. So game core would mostly be about math. While its fairly easy to write generators for world, grid, create pathfinding algorithms, get user inputs, etc etc., I dont feel like reinventing the wheel with such a small project and therefore for graphic and sound stuff I would want to use engine.

So now the question. Would Phaser be ok for such kind of stuff? Or would be better if I used something more lightweight like Pixi or EaselJs? I would really appreciate your opinions based on your past experience about this. I dont need final answer but more like discussion so I can decide. I read articles and checked sites like but it is still difficult to decide without having a lot of time and trying all of those frameworks.

Would Phaser be ok for such kind of stuff? Or would be better if I used something more lightweight like Pixi I'm not sure where EaselJS sits but Phaser and Pixi are fundamentally different things (indeed, Phaser includes Pixi!). Pixi is a library, it does one thing well, it renders stuff really fast (although it muddies this a little by adding event handlers but you could easily argue this is part of its remit as owner of the screen), Phaser (for me at least) is a framework, it is a collection of these smaller libraries and its job is to glue them together to let you, as dev, build stuff faster. So part of your choice is how much work do you want to do? Phaser handles lots of stuff for you like state machines, input devices, audio, physics etc etc but is arguably less flexible, it offers a few physics choices (for example) but if none of them fit your needs it would require a little knowledge of how Phaser works to integrate a different system (its eminently possible though, and quite possibly still faster than writing everything from scratch yourself). I often prefer to wire which libraries I want (such as Pixi) based on the project, but everyone is different, I generally write games for fun, for professional products your timescales are tighter so the benefit of fuller-featured framework is marked. For your top-down 2d game, which is presumably visually driven by a grid (tilemap) of some sort I'd think most popular frameworks support this stuff as a primary use-case, so given they can all do it, you're now picking a favourite, one that suits you.

First I always look at how well supported a project is, if the devs are active and the community also active thats a huge plus point, if devs are actively responding to community concerns then another big plus. I like to see a test suite for any project I use, this shows the devs know what they're doing, gives a good reference point for how to use the project and gives some assurance that any bugs/new features can be integrated faster. My next concern would be documentation, good docs are key, backed up by a strong community. Only then would I start looking at the api, is the project structured in a way you agree with? Do you call methods and create stuff in a way that feels natural and logical? If you have very specific needs then you might want to check feature-set of a project first i.e.

If you need rock-solid shader support and the library doesn't support it then maybe the lib isn't for you, but, maybe it would allow you to add support fairly easily and you could also contribute to that project. Thanks for the reply. Didnt know that about Pixi and Phaser So just to make it short. Meanwhile I started playing with Phaser since it looks like it has quite a lot of support in community (examples, plugins, articles,.) and I like system of preload, create, update and render.

However I was a bit surprised with date of latest release which is more or less 6 months ago. However in comparison to other frameworks/libraries it looks like this is normal state.

Maybe I am just used to 1 month release schedule from other projects. Creating grid and random world in Phaser was quite easy, even though I didnt really get the idea of using csv over array but I guess that is for 'imported' already ready worlds. I know there are also other possibilities though and I will play with it a bit more. I am not sure how Pixi is handling things but as I stated before I am not going to reinvent the wheel so having framework for 'monkey' stuff is good choice for me.

And at the end I can focus more on other aspects of game and not how to play audio and create tiles. Thanks again for your help.and see you later. There has been some chat about v3 or a separate project for Phaser, which has probably impacted more regular releases, before Aug it was released very frequently (with absolutely superb release notes!), there have been a large number of commits to master since August.

Phaser is a mature project so a slower release cycle isn't harmful for it (barring bug fixes), the next release will be a biggy, but I think it might be a v3 or a v3 prep (of those 700+ commits to master, there are many many more inside the Lazer project, which I think may be consumed into Phaser as a v3).