1. Serial Port Interface

This article will guide you through the process of robot or embedded system control using a WPF. 31 days before your ccna exam filetype pdf. Robotics control can. Serial port communication in WPF will. Monitor Serial Port throughput speed using WMI. This chart used in this application is based on a very cool WPF chart control can be found in http://.

README.md WpfSerialPortControls Serial port controls for WPF The aim of this project is to provide re usable gui elements that are often needed when working with serial ports, either physical ones or usb converters. Serial Port Selection Combo Box The serial port selection cmobo box lists all available serial ports and lets you choose one. There is also a refresh button that is often required when working with USB to serial adapters that are plugged in and out during the run time of the application.

Baud Rate Selection Combo Box The baud rate selection combo box lists standard baud rates for the user to choose the required one. It is also possible to add or remove available selections during runtime. Serial Port Control The serial port control lets the user choose all relevant settings to open a serial port, and it includes the refresh button from the serial port selection combo box.

I'm currently creating a SerialPort control dynamically, along with a delegate for its DataReceived event. However, it seems this prevents me from interacting with the GUI within that event (different thread).

Would it be possible to declare the SerialPort control in XAML and then get a same-thread-as-the-GUI DataReceived event? If so, how would I do this?

I know I would need to add something like: xmlns:CerealPort='?' .and then something like: Has anybody done this, or know how to do it (or know why I can't/shouldn't do it)? Photographer/Writer/Drummer: www.iceagetrail.posterous.com. Hope this helps. Sincerely, Bob Bao in Forum If you have any feedback on our support, please contact Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. Hope this helps. Sincerely, Bob Bao in Forum If you have any feedback on our support, please contact Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

Serial Port Interface

Bob, thanks for your help. I've got the apps running - I broke it into two simultaneously running processes to workaround the threading issues I was having. I'm wondering, though, if this method (that you show above, of declaring the DataReceived event in the XAML) would allow me to not have the DataReceived event run in a separate thread. Does that make any difference (declaring the Port and its event in XAML as opposed to dynamically creating the Port in code and then declaring a delegate event)? If yes, I will revisit my utility and try again to make it all work in one app/process instead of two. Photographer/Writer/Drummer: www.iceagetrail.posterous.com.