Windows Vista (tm) Ultimate Build 6002 Cd Key Serial Numbers. Convert Windows Vista (tm) Ultimate Build 6002 Cd Key trail version to full software. 'This Copy of Windows is Not Genuine: build 6002' - VISTA. Discussion in 'Software' started by badbadbad, Jul 3, 2010. I am being asked to 'Activate Windows'.

Hello Taleb Rimawi, Computers, which are built by large manufactures that come with Vista Pre-Installed, come with two (2) Product Keys: A) OEM SLP: This key comes pre-installed in Vista, when it comes from the Factory. This key is geared to work with the special instructions found only on that Manufacturer's computer hardware. So when Vista was installed using the OEM SLP key (at the factory) Vista looks at the motherboard and sees the special instructions and Self-Activates. (that's why you did not need to Activate your computer after you brought it home) B) COA SLP: This is the Product key that you see on the sticker on the side (or bottom) of your computer. It is a valid product key, but should only be used in limited situations.

The key must be activated by Phone. (Note: All manufacturers that use the OEM SLP system are required by contract to include a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) sticker, that has a COA SLP key, on the computer) Your Vista is using an OEM SLP key, but (for whatever reason) cannot see the special instructions in the computer’s motherboard and is unable to Self-Activate. To fix the issue, you will need to change out the OEM SLP key with the COA SLP key. The normal way to do this is to click the ‘Start’ button, right-click ‘Computer’, select ‘Properties’ and then click ‘Change Product Key’ (located in the lower right-hand side of the window). Enter the COA SLP key and follow the instructions in the Change Product Key Wizard.

Alternate steps to change the product key 1) Click the Start button 2) Type: slui.exe 3 and hit the Enter key 3) Type in the Product key from the sticker on your computer 4) Click the Next button. 5) You will be asked if want to Activate, click ok 6) It will attempt to Activate by the internet and will return an Invalid Key error (this is ok, continue to step 7) 7) Click the Start button 8) Type: slui.exe 4 and hit the Enter key 9) Select your location in the drop down menu and click the Next button 10) The next screen provides the number to call to Activate by Phone NOTE: when you call that number, you will first hear an Automated Voice. If the Automated Voice gives you an option to talk to a Live Activation Rep., select that option. If not, do not enter any numbers. This should force the Automated Voice to transfer you to a Live Activation Rep. Trying to Activate thru the Automated Voice will not work, in your case; only thru the Live Activation Rep. Will your Activation be successful.

Thank you, Darin MS. Hello Taleb Rimawi, Computers, which are built by large manufactures that come with Vista Pre-Installed, come with two (2) Product Keys: A) OEM SLP: This key comes pre-installed in Vista, when it comes from the Factory.

This key is geared to work with the special instructions found only on that Manufacturer's computer hardware. So when Vista was installed using the OEM SLP key (at the factory) Vista looks at the motherboard and sees the special instructions and Self-Activates. (that's why you did not need to Activate your computer after you brought it home) B) COA SLP: This is the Product key that you see on the sticker on the side (or bottom) of your computer. It is a valid product key, but should only be used in limited situations. The key must be activated by Phone. (Note: All manufacturers that use the OEM SLP system are required by contract to include a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) sticker, that has a COA SLP key, on the computer) Your Vista is using an OEM SLP key, but (for whatever reason) cannot see the special instructions in the computer’s motherboard and is unable to Self-Activate.

Windows Vista Build 6002 This Copy Of Windows Is Not Genuine

To fix the issue, you will need to change out the OEM SLP key with the COA SLP key. The normal way to do this is to click the ‘Start’ button, right-click ‘Computer’, select ‘Properties’ and then click ‘Change Product Key’ (located in the lower right-hand side of the window). Enter the COA SLP key and follow the instructions in the Change Product Key Wizard. Alternate steps to change the product key 1) Click the Start button 2) Type: slui.exe 3 and hit the Enter key 3) Type in the Product key from the sticker on your computer 4) Click the Next button.


5) You will be asked if want to Activate, click ok 6) It will attempt to Activate by the internet and will return an Invalid Key error (this is ok, continue to step 7) 7) Click the Start button 8) Type: slui.exe 4 and hit the Enter key 9) Select your location in the drop down menu and click the Next button 10) The next screen provides the number to call to Activate by Phone NOTE: when you call that number, you will first hear an Automated Voice. If the Automated Voice gives you an option to talk to a Live Activation Rep., select that option. If not, do not enter any numbers. This should force the Automated Voice to transfer you to a Live Activation Rep.

Trying to Activate thru the Automated Voice will not work, in your case; only thru the Live Activation Rep. Will your Activation be successful. Thank you, Darin MS. This problem of ' Copy of Windows Vista not genuine' started showing few days earlier after failed installations of 'Vista SP2'. Windows Update is not able to install SP2 after several attempts and the following error is displayed:'ERRORNOTFOUND(0x80070490)' My guess for this message of 'Copy of Vista not genuine' is because of SP2 not present, So I tried to install the SP2 manually from following link: ' '. And this RESOLVED THE ISSUE. After installation of SP2, no longer this message is displayed.

I had this problem and I fixed it last night. What I did was I went to the programs and features under the control panel that allows you to uninstall or change a windows/installed component. In the upper left corner of that window is a button that says 'View installed updates.' I went through and looked by date at all of the updates I recently installed since this problem has been occurring for a little less than a month. I found an update that said something like 'Windows service pack.'

It wasn't SP2, that I installed a while ago, it was just a regular service pack and I don't know what it did. So I got rid of it, restarted my computer and the little pop ups and message on the bottom of my screen that said my copy of windows vista is not genuine went away. And now I am a happy pc user again. I hope this helps. Please post your OWN problem, to our OWN, NEW Thread - you'll get proper advice then. DOn't forget to include your MGADiag report!

To properly analyse and solve problems with Activation and Validation, we need to see a full copy of the report produced by the MGADiag tool (download and save to desktop - ) Once saved, run the tool. Click on the Continue button, which will produce the report.


To copy the report to your response, click on the Copy button in the tool (ignore any error messages at this point), and then paste (using either r-click/Paste, or Ctrl+V ) into your response. Noel Paton Nil Carborundum Illegitemi. 2-14-13 I was having the same problem as everyone else. I decided to follow the steps below that were mentioned above by Darin Smith: Alternate steps to change the product key. Click the Start button. Type: slui.exe 3 and hit the Enter key. Type in the Product key from the sticker on your computer.

Windows Vista Build 6002 Activation Key

Click the Next button. You will be asked if want to Activate, click ok. It will attempt to Activate by the internet and will return an Invalid Key error (this is ok, continue to step 7).

Click the Start button. Type: slui.exe 4 and hit the Enter key. Select your location in the drop down menu and click the Next button 10) The next screen provides the number to call to Activate by Phone I clicked on the Start button, clicked the run option, typed: slui.exe 3 and hit the Enter key. This prompted me for my product key, which I entered.

After hitting next, it came back that my activation was successful. I restarted the computer and the message went away. Thank you to everyone for your help/comments because this was driving me crazy.

I'm new to these forums so I apologise if this is posted the wrong section or whatever. I've had this laptop now for about a year and a half and haven't had any problems then today I turned it on and I have a black desktop with the message 'Windows Vista Build 6002. This copy of windows is not genuine.' In the bottom right hand corner. Now, I've looked through other threads on here and can't seem to sort it out.

I've also had a balloon pop up on the bottom right hand corner of the task bar at the bottom saying I need to validate my version of windows. So I tried to validate it by putting in the code on the sticker on the back of my laptop, which is fine until I have to put in a '0' and it says that the character isn't valid. I don't understand.

Surely if it's there it should be in the code? It's just frustrating that I've not had this problem until now. Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.