1. The Truth About Love Film
  2. The Truth About Love Essay

An alternate title/cover for this ASIN can be found. Eve Harris has always had a point to prove: where you come from doesn't matter, it's what you aim for that counts. She has it all planned; find the perfect teaching job, live with her best friend, Cherry, and never get dragged back into the destructive world of her youth. The last thing she expects is to bump into mil An alternate title/cover for this ASIN can be found.

Eve Harris has always had a point to prove: where you come from doesn't matter, it's what you aim for that counts. She has it all planned; find the perfect teaching job, live with her best friend, Cherry, and never get dragged back into the destructive world of her youth. The last thing she expects is to bump into millionaire heir Cameron Wallis on her last day on campus. Nor is she expecting to discover that when she gives him a chance to win her over he's nothing like the playboy the newspapers paint him to be. Will Eve be able to let go of her judgements and embrace a spontaneous affair with Cam that isn't part of her plan? Or will the constraints from both their families prevent Cam and Eve from discovering The Truth About Love?

The Truth About Love Vol.I is the first novella in a serial About finding love even when you're least expecting it. I was somewhat tentative about reading The Truth About Love: Volume I. You see, I have this love hate relationship with novellas – I enjoy reading them, yet I hate waiting for an entire story to come to fruition due to it being told over multiple short tales. Nevertheless, I was willing to give this one a read. I was curious about it, as it sounded rather sweet. After finishing, I’m glad I decided to give the story a read.

Although an exceptionally short read, a lot happens in this one. This stor I was somewhat tentative about reading The Truth About Love: Volume I. You see, I have this love hate relationship with novellas – I enjoy reading them, yet I hate waiting for an entire story to come to fruition due to it being told over multiple short tales. Nevertheless, I was willing to give this one a read. I was curious about it, as it sounded rather sweet. After finishing, I’m glad I decided to give the story a read. Although an exceptionally short read, a lot happens in this one.

Once again, Stephanie Laurens sweeps us away to Regency England with her latest book, The Truth About Love. It is the thirteenth novel in her much loved Cynster.

This story has everything that is needed to make a story of any length great. My prejudice towards sequence stories leaves me fearful that the first book in a sequence will fail to deliver, yet such was not the case with this one. The Truth About Love gave me everything I could have hoped for and then some. I fell in love with characters; I was pulled into the storyline; I experienced a wide range of emotions; I was left wanting more. Honestly, it was a wonderful story. If you’re a fan of short stories, if you enjoy romance, this is certainly one to read. It’s a rollercoaster of events – everything from sweetness to heart pounding ‘what happens next’.

You should know in advance, however, that the ending is a bit (read: a lot) of a cliff-hanger – it leaves you waiting, wanting, more. I have so many questions of what happens next, and I cannot wait to see where things go from here. It’s the kind of story that leaves you wanting so much more – not because it failed to deliver, rather it delivered so much that you need to know what else is in store for the characters. Without a doubt, this was a wonderful read.

This one really works to show how I need to stop worrying when entering novellas – although not my favourite reading material, they can be just was wonderful as the tomes I favour. ARC received in exchange for an honest review:) I gave this novella 5 stars, because I absolutely loved the characters and writing style, but I am still not sure what to think about the story itself.

Need a few days to gather my thoughts, but expect a full review on the day of the release:) edited to add my full review:) I got an ARC of this novella in exchange for an honest review;) so first of all I feel the need to warn you people that this is not a fully standalone story;) it’s more of ARC received in exchange for an honest review:) I gave this novella 5 stars, because I absolutely loved the characters and writing style, but I am still not sure what to think about the story itself. Favorite Quotes: The truth is I’m tired. Job placement nearly killed me. I feel like a thread of cotton that’s been worried and pulled at until only the finest, weakest fiber is left. I’m that fiber, barely there. Cherry got to go to some quaint little village school for her placement. She came back glowing, and possibly ten pounds heavier.

The Truth About Love Film

‘It was the cakes in the staff room,’ she keeps telling me. Bloody cakes, the only thing they had in the staff room at my school were painkillers, wine, and ch Favorite Quotes: The truth is I’m tired. Job placement nearly killed me.

I feel like a thread of cotton that’s been worried and pulled at until only the finest, weakest fiber is left. I’m that fiber, barely there. Cherry got to go to some quaint little village school for her placement. She came back glowing, and possibly ten pounds heavier. ‘It was the cakes in the staff room,’ she keeps telling me. Bloody cakes, the only thing they had in the staff room at my school were painkillers, wine, and child restraint manuals. Cam gives another shrug and takes a sip of his coffee.

I mirror his action and take a deep sip of my own. ‘My God, that’s delicious.’ I practically wet my pants it tastes that good. My Review: Gah – cliffhanger – I seem to be cursed with these vile and devilish connivances of late.

They should be outlawed immediately! But other than a nastily abrupt ending, the story was a quick and delightfully amusing tale about a socially awkward new college graduate meeting the son of wealthy socialites and contemplating a possible relationship, as impossible as that seemed to her.

The writing was easy to follow, humorous, and entertaining with likable characters and a relevant storyline. This is a new author for me, and I must say, I really enjoyed this Novella. I'm not one for short stories, you just get started and the book is over, but this one had me hooked from the first page, and barely cut me loose on the last page. Cam and Eve's story is full of challenges, a first love for Eve who doesn't believe in love because of her past with her mother, and Cam is the rich mans son who is judged because of the money his family has, instead of who he really is.

Loved the writing in t This is a new author for me, and I must say, I really enjoyed this Novella. I'm not one for short stories, you just get started and the book is over, but this one had me hooked from the first page, and barely cut me loose on the last page.

Cam and Eve's story is full of challenges, a first love for Eve who doesn't believe in love because of her past with her mother, and Cam is the rich mans son who is judged because of the money his family has, instead of who he really is. Loved the writing in this book, the characters just jumped right off the page at you, and it definitely leaves you anxiously awaiting the next book in this series. What I really hope is that this author doesn't make this a series of short books, authors have done this in other series, and I think it's a lost opportunity for the readers to get a full story instead of short spurts of a story. Just breaks it up too much. This is an author who could definitely hook her readers with just about anything she writes, writing short novellas for a series just turns me off completely. Very good book to open the series up with, I look forward to reading more! I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.

I absolutely loved this book So sweet and heart warming, This is not the first nor the last book I will read from Anna, her style of writing has me hooked. I connected to each character and that for me is the best part of a book. I won't give to much away Eve and Cam first met at the study library where they were both studying for their final exams, two people brought up in different worlds. Eve's past has her grown into a strong independent person, she has bottled up alot from her up bringing whi I absolutely loved this book So sweet and heart warming, This is not the first nor the last book I will read from Anna, her style of writing has me hooked.

I connected to each character and that for me is the best part of a book. I won't give to much away Eve and Cam first met at the study library where they were both studying for their final exams, two people brought up in different worlds. Eve's past has her grown into a strong independent person, she has bottled up alot from her up bringing whitest Cam has been brought up with money, even tho he has everything he needs handed to him he has his own mind/love and passion for his future and oh what an future it is. What a wonderful way to start this series! I spent a lovely couple of hours reading and relaxing.

The story starts just as Eve is finishing her degree, and literally covers just a few days. The characters are very likeable and its easy to connect to them, leaving you rooting for them.

I smiled in places, and had my heart tugged at for the situation they find themselves in. There's a great message contained in the book too, about not judging based on preconceived ideas.

I'm hoping it won't be too What a wonderful way to start this series! I spent a lovely couple of hours reading and relaxing. The story starts just as Eve is finishing her degree, and literally covers just a few days. The characters are very likeable and its easy to connect to them, leaving you rooting for them. I smiled in places, and had my heart tugged at for the situation they find themselves in.

There's a great message contained in the book too, about not judging based on preconceived ideas. I'm hoping it won't be too long before we get the next book. Camron is a billionaire playboy heir. When Cam sets his eyes on Eve he knows shes not like the rest and he has to have her.

Eve has enough personal drama that she stays to herself. When she meets Cam she thinks hes a self centered jerk.

But when she gives him a chance she sees a different side to him and cant help but like him. But as fate would have it something gets in her ways as usual and Eve cant see the light at the end of the tunnel. Will it be the end of her and Cam or can she see past t Camron is a billionaire playboy heir. When Cam sets his eyes on Eve he knows shes not like the rest and he has to have her. Eve has enough personal drama that she stays to herself. When she meets Cam she thinks hes a self centered jerk.

But when she gives him a chance she sees a different side to him and cant help but like him. But as fate would have it something gets in her ways as usual and Eve cant see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Will it be the end of her and Cam or can she see past the issues she faces and make it work. This book left me wanting more, I want to know what's going to happen to Cam and Eve, and I'm desperate to know Cherry's story. It's a serial novella. From the first few lines I thought, oh this is going to grab me and not let go. It's not a simple boy meets girl insta love, for such a short read it has depth and substance.

Eve and Cam are from two very different backgrounds. Cam has grown up with money and privilege. Eve has struggle all her life. So keeping her head down, doing her job, liv This book left me wanting more, I want to know what's going to happen to Cam and Eve, and I'm desperate to know Cherry's story. It's a serial novella. From the first few lines I thought, oh this is going to grab me and not let go. It's not a simple boy meets girl insta love, for such a short read it has depth and substance.

Eve and Cam are from two very different backgrounds. Cam has grown up with money and privilege. Eve has struggle all her life. So keeping her head down, doing her job, living a quiet life with her best friend Cherry is her life. It's comfortable and uncomplicated! Just what she wants, then Cam walks into her life and things get complicated.

I'm desperate to know what the next chapters will bring for all the characters. This first installment of the Truth About Love series was short and sweet. Eve and Cam come from completely different worlds.

Eve has just finished college and is ready to find a teaching job so she can have some stability in her life. Stability that she never had growing up. Cam comes from an extremely wealthy family and has a playboy reputation if the gossip columns are to be believed.

Can these opposites have something amazing or are their differences too many to make it work? Even though this This first installment of the Truth About Love series was short and sweet. Eve and Cam come from completely different worlds. Eve has just finished college and is ready to find a teaching job so she can have some stability in her life. Stability that she never had growing up.

Cam comes from an extremely wealthy family and has a playboy reputation if the gossip columns are to be believed. Can these opposites have something amazing or are their differences too many to make it work?

Even though this story is short, I was connected to the characters immediately and didn't want the story to end. HOLY CLIFFHANGER!!

That ending made me want even more of this story. I can't wait for the next installment! This is a short novella approx 87 pages so easy to read in one sitting. Make a cuppa, put your feet up and enjoy.

I really enjoyed this, it is so easy to slide into and get to know Eve and Cam. Eve is a poor student, typical of the breed, lives hand to mouth literally but has achieved her dream of becoming a primary school teacher. She had a tough childhood but is happy with her plans for the future which includes living with her best friend Cherry. Cam is a wealthy heir, smartly dressed, astonish This is a short novella approx 87 pages so easy to read in one sitting. Make a cuppa, put your feet up and enjoy.

I really enjoyed this, it is so easy to slide into and get to know Eve and Cam. Eve is a poor student, typical of the breed, lives hand to mouth literally but has achieved her dream of becoming a primary school teacher. She had a tough childhood but is happy with her plans for the future which includes living with her best friend Cherry. Cam is a wealthy heir, smartly dressed, astonishingly handsome, classic ‘chick magnet’ he could have any girl he wanted.

When Cam and Eve meet there is an immediate attraction but she has seen him in the papers too many times to fall for his charms! What follows is a very cute exploration of longing, sexiness, talking and finally realising perhaps not to judge a person without knowing the circumstances. These two are absorbing and I connected with them both, the slight humour at the situation made a pleasant change. This does end on a ‘cliffhanger’ so prepare to swear!!

The Truth About Love Essay

The next book tells Cherry’s story so whether we will get a conclusion to this one anytime soon I’m not sure but I will look forward to reading it/them. Nice writing style and a pleasure to read. Aimed primarily at ‘YA’ but suitable for anyone who likes a touch of romance. I received an ARC which I read and reviewed voluntarily.

Thanks to the author. The Truth About Love was a cute little read I really enjoyed! It had two beautiful characters, a few important lessons on taking chances, and to put preconceived judgments about people aside. Anna did a fantastic job with the two main characters, Eve and Cameron. They were both so likable, had struggles they were working to overcome, and I easily connected with them. Eve's a college student focused on graduation and finding a job-trying to stay distraction free. She comes from a hard 4.5 Stars!

The Truth About Love was a cute little read I really enjoyed! It had two beautiful characters, a few important lessons on taking chances, and to put preconceived judgments about people aside. Anna did a fantastic job with the two main characters, Eve and Cameron. They were both so likable, had struggles they were working to overcome, and I easily connected with them. Eve's a college student focused on graduation and finding a job-trying to stay distraction free. She comes from a hard past, she doesn't quite believe in love, and only lets a few people into her life.

I loved her strength and the determination she had to create a better life for herself. Cameron comes from a family of money, but he's not your typical 'rich guy.'

He had a sweet side to him, and some totally swoon-worthy moments. I adored Eve and Cam together, and was pulling for them the entire time. The Truth About Love is a novella and does end in a cliffhanger, but I can't wait to see what happens to these two in the next installments.

What a perfect little appetizer for this well written story. I love these well written and developing characters. The storyline is entertaining and sweet in that you have the son of a millionaire who acts in no way the way that you would expect him to act. He is confident, great looking and does come from money, that is not who he is. You have the daughter of an addict, working her way through to graduate college, with a cheeky best friend who's family adore her just as one of their own.


And the What a perfect little appetizer for this well written story. I love these well written and developing characters. The storyline is entertaining and sweet in that you have the son of a millionaire who acts in no way the way that you would expect him to act. He is confident, great looking and does come from money, that is not who he is. You have the daughter of an addict, working her way through to graduate college, with a cheeky best friend who's family adore her just as one of their own. And the two meet.

She knows who he is and projects her judgments of who he supposedly is right to his face. But he doesn't bite, he's intrigued and he begins to really like her. Their story is just beginning as they both receive news that may or may not put an end to their story before it really gets to take off. Lovely story and I can't wait to see what happens in volume 2. I recommend this book. This is part one of three and this is a novella length book that can be read in a couple of hours, and I would advise putting that time aside as the book flows so well you won't want to put it down!

I found very refreshing and dialogue so real, and the way things unfold between these two is sweet and a touch amusing too - it has a sexy side too but we only get a taste of that but the attraction between Cameron and Eve is most definitely felt through the pages - those kisses, made me want to kiss This is part one of three and this is a novella length book that can be read in a couple of hours, and I would advise putting that time aside as the book flows so well you won't want to put it down! I found very refreshing and dialogue so real, and the way things unfold between these two is sweet and a touch amusing too - it has a sexy side too but we only get a taste of that but the attraction between Cameron and Eve is most definitely felt through the pages - those kisses, made me want to kiss him!

The book ends on a cliffy but you know there is more to come. Book two apparently will concentrate on Cherry's story so will be book 3 when we get conclusions. A very enjoyable novella, easy to read, likable characthers and will leave you wanting more now!

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