Caddy Electrical Software

SEE Electrical Free, free and safe download. SEE Electrical Free latest version: SEE Electrical Free: a free, effective, entry-level electrical software package.
From Caddy is a advanced vector based program but very easy to use. In this program you can draw lines, rule lines, rectangles, ellipses, polybeziers, polygons, poly lines, text and images. You can rotate and resize all the objects exactly like you want. All objects have many different kind of options that you can set very easily. The program have a special object inspector to set all options of the work sheet and also all options of the objects. The work sheet can be set in every scale you want and with pixels, millimetre, centimetre, inches and metre. You can print out your projects with paper sizes A0 to A5 and B3 to B5 or your own custom size.
The projects you build you can save in commonly files or in a database that you create by your self. You can make combo objects by your self and save them in to a library.

Caddy Electrical Supplies
When you start a new project you have all these combo objects ready and you can draw them with the mouse from the library and drop them on the work sheet.