Archaeological Theory Today Hodder Pdf Software
Ian Hodder
The lo cation c hosen for the f ield dr awing w as ste ered cle ar of wast e mater ials like leaves, sticks and small stones so that the readings may not be hampered. Nor th Sou th dire cti on was mark ed by placi ng the magn eti c com pas s on the ground and stretching a string to pass over it corresponding to the north south direction accurately. Then the string was carefully hammered to the ground unto a nail on the both the directions.
It was important to firmly hammer the nail to the ground and to fasten the string tightly around the nail in order to avoid any shifting of the nail or the string during the whole process. Distan ce of 10 m etres wa s marke d on the s tring u sing m easuri ng tap e, keepi ng in mind to cover the complete area of the stones placed on the location. The extreme end of the string was marked N facing north and the other end was marked S facing south. Then th e centre p oint O w as ma rked at a d istan ce of 5 me tres us ing me asurin g tape from the point N (north) or from point S (south). This was to act as the control point in order to assist the readings later in the experiment. Measurement of the stones was done in clockwise direction in order to maintain conti nuity and avoid confusi on. The metho d used was Triang ulatio n Metho d/ Trilateral method.
Care was taken to note only the extreme ends of the stones and that measurement was taken only when a proper triangle was formed from any two control points and the point on the stone which was being noted. This was followed for all the stones and the accurate measurement on the metre scale till two decimal points was noted.
'In Archaeological Theory Today, Ian Hodder has assembled a fine collection of papers that, taken together. Review: Hodder, Ian, Archaeological Theory Today, Second. 'In Archaeological Theory Today, Ian Hodder has assembled a fine collection of papers that, taken together.