Can a Windows CE netbook run Windows XP? It also cannot run programs that on Windows XP, etc. Windows CE can only run programs. Obtaining compatible device. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and earlier support projects for older releases of Windows CE/Windows. Software utility available for Windows CE. Compatibility to. The Windows CE 5.0: Standard SDK. Download Windows CE 5.0: Standard Software Development Kit (SDK) from Official Microsoft Download Center.

I've got a mini notebook on its way to me and it runs Windoes CE 5.0. Apparently a lot of notebooks are running this, although I've never heard of it! Will the portable apps on this site work on Win CE? It comes with really basic apps like Wordpad, and I would like to be able to run some decent programs on it but are they compatible? Also, I've heard that Win CE comes with an old version on IE and doesn't have any flash support, is there a flash player with the Firefox portable app? If anyone could tell me if they work, if they are using them on a notebook with Win CE that would be great! I havent got a clue about these kind of things.

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That's not good:o(! I can't really see myself being happy using 'wordpad' for what work I need to do on it for as long as I own it! Perhaps I will send it back. Was hoping I could use portable apps because there's so little storage space on notebooks (well this one anyway!). Well, every single notebook I've seen (in my price range) has said it runs either win CE 5.0 or 6.0. I bought mine on Ebay, they're everywhere!

There's cheap Hong Kong generic notebooks all running CE on there. Why would they put it on a 'laptop' if its incompatible with good things!

I don't know! Thanks for the reply! Well, you can still hold it on your lap; I'd guess that would make an Etch-a-Sketch a 'laptop'.

I figure it is an example of 'buyer beware'. You may be better off paying slightly more for a branded 'real Win' machine like an Asus, Acer, or the like to get software compatibility. Even there, be careful about whether it says WinXP, Win7 or some version of Linux (I am a Asus Linux user and have chosen to live with the compatibility issues for the past two years. My other home machines are also Linux; my wife is a Mac user).

Thanks, I've been well and truly scammed through my own lack of knowledge about OS's!!! All these laptops saying they have 'windows' when they really mean WinCE and then people like me who know nothing about anything buy them thinking they can install a different OS later on or use windows programs on it just like any other 'windows' OS etc etc are completely stuck! Its awful, none of the sellers on sites like Ebay highlight the limitations of WinCE! It's a stupid thing to put on there, and I shall be very careful in finding another notebook! Hello, Germany is the actual aim of tiny netbooks working with wince. Several warehouse-chains and online electronic-dealers offer the 'Allfine PC703 Mini Notebook'.

It is a light-weight (650 g) with a 7' Display. Aditional to wince there are several applications mounted for texts, excel, youtube, internet, photos etc. Unfortunately I recogniced, that it must be ce 4.0 - I will hardly get some stuff for it. The special-offer price for it is 111,- €.

The manufacturer's URL is in China. Greetings from Palatina. Hi everyone newbie here lol just got my young lad a 7' notebook.was working great up in till other night. Was messing about with it with is friends. Says he was messing about on the internet parts.said he deleted sumthing out there. Now when he try's to boot it up it says. System initializing,please wait.

Windows Ce Apps

Been waiting 4 hours see what hapends lol.nothing at all just the windows ce when starting up it will say press F1. Cant get passed that cuz its asking us for a pass work.sorry about this for asking plzzzzzzzz help us thx very so much Ian. With wince most of the devices flash the system to memory and you can't delete it. There is often a soft reset - the button and a hard reset, often the power button plus the reset button for a few seconds - the book should tell you.


If that is no luck you might go to the manufacturer site and see if they have a download program to flash the system fresh - beware it as well as the hard reset will probably wipe any data you have added. There is a ton of cd software around, they used it in all the business small units for years. What has been said is fairly accurate but you might see if it will fit your needs.

Xactimate Compatible Programs

I used one for several years for word processing etc.

When most people think of Windows CE software, they tend to think of the programs that come with various handheld devices. Contrary to popular opinion, however, there are many cool Windows CE programs that you can download for free.


Today, I’ll list some of my favorites. All of the following programs can be downloaded from. PalmGB PalmGB is a program that allows Windows CE devices to emulate a Nintendo Game Boy. Using an add-on device, you can copy Game Boy games onto your Windows CE machine. You can also download Game Boy-type games from other Web sites. PcAnywhere This program is a fully functional version of Symantec’s pcAnywhere.

It allows you to control any desktop PC or network server remotely via TCP/IP, dial-up, or serial connections. Bfax Pro Bfax Pro allows you to send and receive faxes from your Windows CE device. The program works with a standard modem or with a cellular link. HPC Spell 2.3 This handy program adds spell check capabilities to your Windows CE device. It’s compatible with all of the Pocket Office programs. JetCet Print Professional Unfortunately, under normal circumstances, Windows CE lacks print capabilities. But JetCet Print Professional allows you to print documents from your Windows CE device.

This program even supports color printing. PPCSnap PPCSnap allows Windows CE to take screen captures. This program is very handy for documenting system settings or for producing training materials. Auto Graph If you use Pocket Excel routinely, you’ve probably noticed that it doesn’t include the graphing capabilities of the desktop version.

Auto Graph adds those graphing capabilities to Pocket Excel. Dictionary This program translates various spoken languages.

With add-on modules, it can translate between any two of the following languages: English, Spanish, German, and French. DOS for Windows CE This program is a DOS emulator for Windows CE. You can use it to execute all of the standard DOS commands. Jzip Jzip allows you to manipulate ZIP files.

Using this program, you can decompress Zip files directly onto your Windows CE device. KillMe The KillMe program allows you to terminate “stuck” processes. That way, you can free up processor cycles and memory.

Conclusion I’ve listed only a few of my favorite Windows CE utilities, but there are hundreds of utilities that you can download, including countless games and business programs. So, visit and see what you can find.

Posey is an MCSE who works as a freelance technical writer and as a network engineer for the Department of Defense. If you’d like to contact Brien,. (Because of the large volume of e-mail he receives, it's impossible for him to respond to every message. However, he does read them all.)The authors and editors have taken care in preparation of the content contained herein, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for any damages. Always have a verified backup before making any changes.

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