Press the (End key, i.e. Red phone key) to leave Aspicore GSM Tracker running in the background while using your phone to other purposes. Aspicore GSM Tracker. Communication methods. Other Aspicore tracking devices. Image Manufacturer Device name Type Description.

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  2. Free Download Aspicore Gsm Tracker 3
Aspicore Gsm Tracker RapidshareAspicore Gsm Tracker Rapidshare

Aspicore GSM Tracker is a tool to track locations of Series 60 phones in a remote SQL database. Low data costs thanks to GPRS and compact messages. Uses Bluetooth GPS or cell tower information.


The product is intended for fleet tracking or personal location tracking. Would you like to. View the whereabouts of your entire fleet from your desktop?. Know the closest vehicle or technician to the next job site?. Access yesterday's detailed route history for every vehicle in your fleet?

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With a system based on Aspicore GSM Tracker, you can! The client program runs in a Series 60 phone, in the foreground or in the background. The program is able to connect to a Bluetooth GPS receiver and transmit the received GPS location data (NMEA-0183) in real time to a central database via GPRS. You don't even need necessarily to have as many GPS receivers as tracked mobile phones, if a lower accuracy suffices and there are only a few places or standard routes you want to have recognised. The location of the mobile phone can also be determined by the network cell id, which identifies the cell tower the phone is connected to.

Free Download Aspicore Gsm Tracker 3

You can configure the timers and events, which trigger the data send action. The data is sent in a compact UDP datagram, only a little over 100 GPRS bytes per message. This means that the data transfer costs are minimal compared to e.g. SMS and the communication transactions are very fast.