Interview Questions By Shivprasad Koirala
NET: Interview Questions [Shiprasad Koirala] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Features more than 1000 interview questions from. Shivprasad Koirala's Interviews Questions.NET and ASP.NET interview questions: What is MVC. Join C# Corner. Shivprasad koirala net interview questions pdf Shivprasad koirala net interview questions pdf. Free Pdf Download exe 2004-2 Going to buy a Windows Lap Top.
Table of content. Disclaimer Reading these MVC interview questions does not mean you will go and clear MVC interviews. The purpose of this article is to quickly brush up your MVC knowledge before you go for MVC interviews.
This article does not teach, it’s a last minute revision sheet before going for MVC interviews. If you want to learn MVC from scratch, start by reading or you can also start with my If you want to learn MVC 5 in a short time i.e. 2 days a.k.a 16 hours below is a video series for the same. Need help to improve this article I have tried my level best to cover what questions i have faced in MVC interviews.
But i feel the below questions are not enough and in real MVC interview's much more is asked. If you can share your question in the comment below. I would love to incorporate them in this article so that others are benefited. If your question is great and i like it i will ship you a free copy of my only in India ( sorry i am not so rich for outside countries). What is MVC (Model View Controller)? MVC is an architectural pattern which separates the representation and user interaction.
It’s divided into three broader sections, Model, View, and Controller. Below is how each one of them handles the task. The View is responsible for the look and feel.
Model represents the real world object and provides data to the View. The Controller is responsible for taking the end user request and loading the appropriate Model and View.
Figure: MVC (Model view controller) There are six broader events which occur in MVC application life cycle below diagrams summarize it. Image Courtesy: - Any web application has two main execution steps first understanding the request and depending on the type of the request sending out appropriate response. MVC application life cycle is not different it has two main phases first creating the request object and second sending our response to the browser. Creating the request object: -The request object creation has four major steps.
Below is the detail explanation of the same. Step 1 Fill route: - MVC requests are mapped to route tables which in turn specify which controller and action to be invoked. So if the request is the first request the first thing is to fill the route table with routes collection. This filling of route table happens in the global.asax file. Step 2 Fetch route: - Depending on the URL sent “UrlRoutingModule” searches the route table to create “RouteData” object which has the details of which controller and action to invoke. Step 3 Request context created: - The “RouteData” object is used to create the “RequestContext” object. Step 4 Controller instance created: - This request object is sent to “MvcHandler” instance to create the controller class instance.
Once the controller class object is created it calls the “Execute” method of the controller class. Creating Response object: - This phase has two steps executing the action and finally sending the response as a result to the view. Is MVC suitable for both Windows and Web applications? The MVC architecture is suited for a web application than Windows. For Window applications, MVP, i.e., “Model View Presenter” is more applicable. If you are using WPF and Silverlight, MVVM is more suitable due to bindings.
What are the benefits of using MVC? There are two big benefits of MVC:. Separation of concerns is achieved as we are moving the code-behind to a separate class file.
By moving the binding code to a separate class file we can reuse the code to a great extent. Automated UI testing is possible because now the behind code (UI interaction code) has moved to a simple.NET class. This gives us opportunity to write unit tests and automate manual testing. Is MVC different from a three layered architecture? MVC is an evolution of a three layered traditional architecture.
Shivprasad Koirala 7th Edition Pdf
Many components of the three layered architecture are part of MVC. So below is how the mapping goes: Functionality Three layered / tiered architecture Model view controller architecture Look and Feel User interface View UI logic User interface Controller Business logic /validations Middle layer Model Request is first sent to User interface Controller Accessing data Data access layer Data Access Layer.

Figure: Difference between tempdata, viewdata, and viewbag. Temp data - Helps to maintain data when you move from one controller to another controller or from one action to another action. In other words when you redirect, tempdata helps to maintain data between those redirects. It internally uses session variables. View data - Helps to maintain data when you move from controller to view.
View Bag - It’s a dynamic wrapper around view data. When you use Viewbag type, casting is not required. It uses the dynamic keyword internally. Figure: dynamic keyword. Session variables - By using session variables we can maintain data from any entity to any entity.
Hidden fields and HTML controls - Helps to maintain data from UI to controller only. So you can send data from HTML controls or hidden fields to the controller using POST or GET HTTP methods. Below is a summary table which shows the different mechanisms for persistence.
Maintains data between ViewData/ViewBag TempData Hidden fields Session Controller to Controller No Yes No Yes Controller to View Yes No No Yes View to Controller No No Yes Yes “TempData” maintains data for the complete request while “ViewData” maintains data only from Controller to the view. “TempData” is available through out for the current request and in the subsequent request it’s available depending on whether “TempData” is read or not.
So if “TempData” is once read it will not be available in the subsequent request. Once “TempData” is read in the current request it’s not available in the subsequent request. If we want “TempData” to be read and also available in the subsequent request then after reading we need to call “Keep” method as shown in the code below. @TempData ' MyData'; TempData.Keep( ' MyData'); The more shortcut way of achieving the same is by using “Peek”. This function helps to read as well advices MVC to maintain “TempData” for the subsequent request. String str = TempData.Peek( ' Td').ToString; If you want to read more in detail you can read from this detailed blog on. What are partial views in MVC?
Partial view is a reusable view (like a user control) which can be embedded inside other view. For example let’s say all your pages of your site have a standard structure with left menu, header, and footer as shown in the image below. Transfer money Enter Amount Enter Account number @Html.AntiForgeryToken
If you do a view source of the HTML you would find the below verification token hidden field with the secret key. Please do read this blog which has detailed steps of how model binders can be created using “IModelBinder” interface: - Download an e-learning copy of MVC interview Q&A from the top of this article for your preparation. For technical training related to various topics including ASP.NET, Design Patterns, WCF, MVC, BI, WPF contact or visit Finally do not forget to visit my video site which covers lots of:.

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