1. Oblivion Mod Manager
  2. Oblivion Hg Eyecandy Body Mod
  3. Eye Candy Body Paint

More Hg Eyecandy Body Mod Oblivion videos. Download Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - HG EyeCandy Body Mod now from the world's largest gaming download site, FilePlanet!

Yes, this is a very vain thread. If you don't care about the ugliness of Oblivion npc's then read no further. However I am in need of mods that make people gorgeous, both npc's and your own character.

Please recommend mods that you may know of that make the characters of Oblivion actually pleasant to look. I know of Ren's Beauty Pack but i'm not sure if that does anything to improve the looks of any npc's, just improves your own character creation? Also I am aware of Exnem's body replacer. Any mods that improve appearances and add sexy new races are welcome, thanks! QUOTE='TJamesA' QUOTE='theChEeSemAn2' Lots of good mods there. You may need to register to download files, but the registration is free.

TheChEeSemAn2 Yeah, I am registered there. I also use planetelderscrolls. It's just that there are so many mods out there I was hoping to have some listed here. Lol, just being lazy. That place is just really good at aggregating mods because having to search all over the internet is not fun and I am lazy too:) Lol, i am actually on that site right now, i just started this thread out of pure laziness.

Time to get searching. HG EyeCandy Body is one hell of a body replacer LOL.

Contents. Females Female body replacers vary substantially from voluptuous to waifish to athletic.

Here are side by side comparisons of the major female body replacers in alphabetical order. Mod Description Front Side Back 3/4 View Bow Seductive Crouch Vanilla The textures are plain and show little muscle definition. The body is standard, if underdeveloped for an RPG hero.

Summary: Waifish Textures show more defined muscle structures. The body is close to the original but slimmer and the female structure is more pronounced. A compromise between the original and more well developed body. Summary: slim, defined muscles Textures show well defined muscle and body structures. The body is slim, the female structure is strongly pronounced.


Legs are very well defined, body is balanced. Summary: slim, athletic Textures show well defined muscle and strongly defined body structures.

The body is slim, the female structure is strongly pronounced. Well defined torso and arms. This mod has many variations for the upper and lower body, i would suggest you look at all the options to find your preference. Summary: voluptuous or petite, slim or muscular Textures show strongly defined body structures. The body is voluptuous, the female structure is very strongly pronounced. Well defined torso, arms and legs. Summary: voluptuous, slim Textures show strongly defined muscle and body structures.

The body is very voluptuous, the female structure is strongly pronounced. Torso and legs are well defined. Summary: voluptuous, muscular All/Comparison SanityCheck's Screenshot Notes:. The only copy I got of Corwyn's body mod is the alpha version and the feet won't show up and the body texture doesn't blend too well. Not sure how to fix it, but for the purpose of this comparison, it's not that critical. Also, I tried to censor the Corwyn shots as least intrusive as I could. The images are not taken to scale with each other.

It's hard to get to the exact same spot for every shot. I tried to get as close as I can, but I'm only human.

Descargas gratis de juegos. Notes:. The tendency towards large shoulders and especially hands is a limitation of the game engine. To a certain degree waifish bodies can be made sturdier (and vice versa) by modifying the weight setting for females in Race settings in the construction set. The mods for clothes can be used with other bodies (e.g.

The vanilla body) but some clipping issues may occur. Bab Body Mod.: Lots of links to armour and clothing reconfigured for Biu's BaB body RC1 (Baberized) and other BaB related downloads. Exnem Female Eye Candy. Also known as HGEC or rarely as EyeCandy v2.0.

NachtRitter's H-Cup Moving Breasts Normal for HGEC. SickleYield's Smaller Breasts for Exnem.

Oblivion Mod Manager

Medium size has a Bra variant available. For the rest, nude tops only. Install one of these after installing base Exnem. Using Body Mods with Overhauls/UOP Most body replacers include or have optional add-on mesh replacements to fix vanilla Oblivion clothing and armor so they will fit the new body shape. They often also offer mesh replacements for custom armor and clothing added by popular overhaul mods like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, Martigen's Monster Mod, and Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items. They also often include a plugin that alters various clothing and armor items to add female mesh paths to items that previously did not have a female version.

Oblivion Hg Eyecandy Body Mod

However, this can cause conflicts if you use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch or an overhaul mod (resulting in the loss of some bug fixes or stat changes). Fortunately, this problem can be solved fairly easily by using the Import Graphics feature of (archive) Bashed Patch. To use this feature, you will need to place the body replacer clothing/armor plugins very early in your load order (like before UOP) and mark them with the Import Graphics tag - BASH:Graphics. After doing this, you can 'activate' the plugin in the Import Graphics section of the Bashed Patch config. See (archive) for details. Note that when you do this, the clothing/armor plugins does not actually need to be active to work as long as you've marked it for import in the Import Graphics section of the Bashed Patch config. You'll notice that instead of an 'active' checkmark, it will get a.

Eye Candy Body Paint

mark, which means it has been imported into your Bashed Patch, much like the + mark given to merged (or 'virtually active') plugins.